The Trevor Family
Glenview was the home of the Trevor family for 45 years. In 1877, John Bond Trevor, a successful financier, and Emily Norwood Trevor moved to the newly completed house with their daughters, Mary and Emily, a son from John’s first marriage, Henry, and several servants. John and Emily’s son, John Bond Trevor Jr., was born there in 1878.
The family lived at Glenview from April through December, and Mr. Trevor commuted by train to his Wall Street office on a regular basis. A philanthropist, he was deeply involved with the local community, helping to build the Warburton Avenue Baptist Church and to found what eventually became St. John’s Riverside Hospital. He also supported the Yonkers Free Reading Room and the local YMCA.
Like her husband, Emily Norwood Trevor was also active in the life of Yonkers. The daughter of a diplomat, her charity included the Yonkers Ladies Employment Society, the Industrial School, and the Baptist Sewing School. After her husband’s death in 1890, Mrs. Trevor and her younger daughter, Emily, continued to divide their time between homes in New York and Yonkers. Mrs. Trevor died in 1922, and plans to divide the property proceeded in 1923. Though most of Glenview’s furnishings were offered for sale, its stunning original woodwork and colorful tile hall floor are highlights of the period rooms today. Learn more about the Trevor family here.
You can experience Glenview first-hand on guided tours Wednesday–Friday at 1pm and Saturday and Sunday at 1 and 3pm, or explore on your own Saturday and Sunday from 12–5pm.
Left image: Unknown. Portrait of Emily Norwood Trevor, ca. 1915. Photograph. Gift of Mr. John Bond Trevor, Jr., 1984 (84.5).
Right image: Harper Pennington. Portrait of John Bond Trevor, 1893. Oil on canvas. Gift of Miss Emily H. Trevor, 1935 (35.1).