Awesome Astronomy LIVE
Update: This live event is over.
Keep everything in perspective by thinking about the universe beyond Earth. Watch this week’s Awesome Astronomy video, The “Youngest” Moon. Then, join Marc Taylor, Manager of Planetarium and Science Programs, in a Facebook Live astronomy event about current astronomy sights and news, including suggestions for activities you can do from home.
This week, we’ll talk about the moon—the difference between the far side and the night side, whether or not there really is a “dark side,” and what we mean by “supermoon.”
Other questions on the moon or anything else astronomical? Submit them to the HRM Facebook page or send an email to planetarium@hrm.org with the subject line “Awesome Astronomy Questions” before the live event, and then tune in!
Visit our Museum from Home page for more activities, including new Awesome Astronomy videos every other week, and check our calendar for upcoming virtual events.