Family Day: Wildlife Among Us
Join us for fun and exciting activities in celebration of our new exhibitions, Un/Natural Selections: Wildlife in Contemporary Art and Hudson River Explorers: Holly Sears. Meet local experts in animal rescue, rehabilitation, and ecology, who will provide information about how to safely coexist with the wildlife in your backyard. Highlights include a dance workshop and performance, a talk about native bees, a curator tour, storytimes, and interdisciplinary hands-on workshops.
11:30am — Storytelling and Dance Workshop
12–5pm — Pop-Up Storytimes
1pm — Curator Tour of Un/Natural Selections
1–4pm — Pollinator Pop-Up
1–4pm — Animal Nation Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation
1–4pm — Family Science Workshop: Life in the Leaves
1–4pm — Family Art Workshop: Toy Theaters
2pm — Native Beeology: A Talk with Tim Stanley
3pm — Dance Performance by Omar Edwards
Image: Holly Sears (American, b. 1956). Ride, from the Hudson River Explorers series, 2012. Giclee print (edition 18/18). Collection of the Hudson River Museum. Gift of the artist, 2012 (2012.04.03).
Support provided by Art Bridges.