Film Screening of One Dam at a Time
Join us for a film screening of One Dam at a Time followed by a Q&A with Captain John Lipscomb, Vice-President and Co-Director of the Science and Patrol Program of Riverkeeper, and George Jackman, PhD, Senior Habitat Restoration Manager of Riverkeeper. This 22-minute film visualizes Riverkeeper’s efforts to restore, revitalize, and reconnect the Hudson’s tributaries, and it is designed to build the ‘dam removal movement’ in New York State and restore historic aquatic abundance in the Hudson Valley.
John Lipscomb, Vice President and Co-Director of the Science and Patrol Program, became Riverkeeper’s boat captain in 2000. A native of Irvington and Tarrytown, he learned to swim and sail in the Hudson River. Since September 2000, Mr. Lipscomb has been patrolling the Hudson for Riverkeeper aboard the R. Ian Fletcher, a 36-foot Chesapeake Bay style wooden vessel. Each year, he travels approximately 4,000 to 5,000 nautical miles between New York Harbor and Troy, searching out and deterring polluters, monitoring tributaries and waterfront facilities, as well as taking regional decision makers and media out on the river so that “the river has a chance to advocate for itself.”
George Jackman, PhD, Senior Habitat Restoration Manager, is a retired NYPD police lieutenant turned aquatic ecologist. George is an experienced environmental activist and adjunct professor at Queens College. He holds a PhD in ecology, evolution, and behavior from the CUNY Graduate Center in conjunction with SUNY ESF, and has extensive experience and academic research working with migratory fishes. He is currently working on dam removals in the Hudson Valley, especially ones that are considered priority barriers to migratory fish.