Lincoln on the Hudson by Red Grooms
Red Grooms fills the galleries of the Hudson River Museum with Lincoln on the Hudson, a larger-than-life, walk-through scene of the historic appearance of President-elect Lincoln in Westchester County’s village of Peekskill on the banks of the Hudson.
Red Grooms, famous for his immersive environments, constructed the work in situ, filling 775 square feet of gallery space up to 17 feet high—a world constructed from foam core, canvas, and bright paint. Lincoln stands at the back of the train that crossed the country from midwest to east to take him to his 1861 inauguration and is greeted by cheering villagers, mounted soldiers (as the Civil War is about to begin), a drummer boy, and a brass band.
Red Grooms. Lincoln on the Hudson (detail), 2016. Mixed media. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Ken Lax.