It’s Museums Advocacy Day: Will You Tell Congress That Museums Matter?

Dear Friend of the HRM,

Today is Museums Advocacy Day. This annual event, organized by the American Alliance of Museums, provides a critical opportunity to make the case for museums in what is sure to be a high-stakes year for museums and other causes. It’s also the perfect time to inform your elected officials about the essential value, collective contributions, and aspirations of museums across the country and right in your own neighborhood and region.

Today’s national policy debates will impact our museums, including the HRM, for years to come. As constituents, you are in the best position to create lasting change. Stakes are high this year with a new Congress and Administration, and all museums and museum advocates must continue to share their data and stories with their members of Congress. Fortunately, you can advocate for museums in your community, and across the nation, from wherever you are.
Take action today

Some of the most urgent issues include:

  • Support for National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) funding
  • Protecting the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) from indiscriminate staffing cuts
  • Freeze on federal grants and loans
  • Support for charitable giving incentives

Help be a part of the movement for making a case for museums—and for the Hudson River Museum—so we may continue to fulfill our mission to engage, inspire, and connect diverse communities through the power of the arts, sciences, and history. Your voice matters.

In partnership,

Masha Turchinsky
Director and CEO


Photo: Jason Green.