A Letter to Future Junior Docents
Dear potential Junior Docent,
Starting high school is a new and exciting chapter in your life. You have to learn how to balance school work, extracurriculars, and a social life. It’s the first major step in growing up. I know when I was a freshman I didn’t want to do any extracurriculars or clubs because I was so overwhelmed with making friends and starting high school. I was afraid of feeling embarrassed or seeming uncool. This mindset quickly changed when I realized there were so many similar people who were scared like me and that there were also so many different opportunities to take advantage of if I just ignored the fear of failure.
The Junior Docent Program at the Hudson River Museum was that opportunity for me, where I was able to meet so many new people who had mindsets similar to mine. You feel as if you are a part of a community where you can learn and explore so many skills that you can use in your lifetime. From going on trips or speaking with adult docents, there are so many enriching experiences that will prepare you to work in the museum as well as skills you can take outside to your school and career.
Take advantage of all the different opportunities the Program has to offer, from college visits to events in the amphitheater! Become a part of the Advisory Board and have a leadership position. You can have a major voice in all events for the Junior Docents. Speak up in weekly meetings and have an open conversation with your peers. Prepare a guided tour and learn about an exhibit in the museum so you can give a tour to visitors.
It will definitely take some time to get used to, but it is such a great experience that I recommend you take. It will push you out of your comfort zone, but you will be so well rounded and prepared for all your future endeavors in life. Make the best out of every opportunity and most importantly, have fun!
Gabriella DeJesus
Summer Camp Manager
Junior Docent Program Alumna, Class of 2021
St. John’s University, Class of 2025
The Junior Docent Program application deadline is Friday, October 22, at 8pm. Apply here.