Taking a Look at Westchester’s Economic Forecast in 2023
Check out 914 Inc’s January / February 2023 issue, which includes an in-depth article on the economic forecast for the region, Taking a Look at Westchester’s Economic Forecast in 2023. Writers Bill Cary and Elaine Pofeldt look at the state of the economy across many industries: manufacturing, commercial and residential real estate, higher education, healthcare, banking, retail, and the arts.
They interviewed arts leaders for their opinion on how the arts are weathering this uncertain time, including Janet Langsam, CEO of ArtsWestchester, Mary Jo Ziesel, Executive Director of Jacob Burns Film Center, and our very own Director and CEO Masha Turchinsky.
Here’s an excerpt from the article:
Early this year, the Hudson River Museum in Yonkers will celebrate the opening of its new 12,000-square-foot west wing with inaugural exhibitions on ‘humanity’s interconnectedness and our relationship to the river,’ says director and CEO Masha Turchinsky. “Along with new exhibition galleries with great river views and a dedicated sculpture court, the wing will include a new Community and Partnership Gallery for emerging artists and community collaborations. The museum is also completing construction of a new 100-seat ADA-compliant auditorium.
While the pandemic has still kept visitorship rates below 2019 levels, “we not only increased our digital footprint to meet audiences where they were when they needed it; we also grasped that our communities rely on us as a convener and catalyst for many important topics,” Turchinsky says.